EEPN Policy Recommendations 2021: «New roles and competences of teacher and school leaders in the digital age»

EEPN Policy Recommendations 2021: «New roles and competences of teacher and school leaders in the digital age»

The European Union is at a crossroads of defining new policy strategies on education and training for the next decade. The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders is a Europe-wide network of different organisations (policymakers, practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders) that aims to promote co-operation, policy development and implementation at different levels, and to support the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. This network builds on existing activities developed at European level, especially initiatives and projects supported through European Union programmes in the field of education, for example, the European Policy Network on School Leadership (EPNoSL).

We acknowledge and wish to contribute to the implementation of the first principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights, adopted by the EU leaders, which states, “Everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market.” The leading principle for our work is that the mission of education is social and personal development.

The project focused on new roles and competences of teachers and school leaders in the digital age. The following recommendations are based on research evidence the project partners have compiled within a framework of topics for the second year: Digital technical tools, skills and competences supporting teaching and learning; Collaborative learning and collaborative school leadership in the digital age; Entrepreneurial skills and competences in learning, teaching and school leadership in the digital age; Communication, literacies, multilingual and critical thinking skills and competences for teaching and learning in the digital age; Active citizenship skills and active digital citizenship skills in teaching and learning in the digital age.

These recommendations provide an opportunity for policy makers and stakeholders in education to align them with different national, regional and institutional circumstances, within a framework of enhanced cooperation among different stakeholders in education that includes consultation within their own constituencies.

See the EEPN Policy Recommendations here

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